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Who Should not be Hypnotised?

 Is Hypnosis for everyone?

Hypnosis is a highly effective therapy for many, but like any therapeutic intervention, it’s not suitable for everyone. Hypnosis requires a certain level of focus and cooperation from the individual, which is why certain groups should be cautious or avoid it altogether.

1. People with Severe Mental Health Issues  

Individuals with conditions such as schizophrenia, severe dissociative disorders, or psychosis may not be suitable candidates for hypnosis. These conditions often involve altered perceptions of reality, which could be exacerbated through the trance-like state of hypnosis.

2. People Under the Influence of Drugs or Alcohol  

It is essential to be clear-headed for hypnosis to be effective. Drugs or alcohol may interfere with the person’s ability to engage fully in the process or distort the experience.

3. People Who Are Not Willing or Open to the Process  

For hypnosis to be effective, the individual must be open and willing to participate. If someone is highly skeptical or resistant, the process is unlikely to produce the desired results.

4. Children without Parental Consent  

While children can be hypnotised, it is important to have parental or guardian consent, as well as assurance that the child understands and agrees to the process.


Before deciding on hypnosis, consult with a certified hypnotherapist who can assess whether it is the right option for you.
At Strategic Hypnotherapy Melbourne, we always ensure that our clients are fully informed before starting any treatment.


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